Acorn Room

We care for children aged three months to two years.

We are committed to working in partnership with parents to promote each individual child’s development. Our staff team will tailor babies sleep routines to provide an individual and nurturing experience for each child. At Squirrel Lodge we offer a home from home cosy environment.
Home corner

We offer open-ended, real resources such as pans and whisks so children can copy what they have seen adults do in the kitchen as well as use their imaginations to begin to play alongside others.
Small world area

Our wooden resources and loose parts make our small world area a popular place to play. Small world activities help children to maintain attention and concentrate for longer periods. Important language skills are developed as children use their imagination to tell stories and create role-play scenarios.
Heuristic and sensory play

Heuristic play is an enriching type of play where babies and young children interact with everyday objects, rather than toys. The goal of heuristic play is to provide a wide range of sensory stimulation to help children discover and learn things for themselves.
Kitchen and messy play area

Messy play is the open-ended exploration of materials and their properties. It allows children to use their natural curiosity and engage their senses at the developmental level appropriate for them. They learn foundational cognitive principles as they exercise motor, language, and social skills. At Squirrel Lodge, your child will enjoy a range of messy play and art activities. This area also doubles up as our kitchen space where we enjoy making meals a real social occasion and encourange independance as soon as your child is ready.
Role play

Dressing up and pretend play start at around 15-18 months. Your toddler might enjoy pretending to be a grown-up, using props like old clothes and hats. For example, your toddler might imagine they're driving a bus or serving in a shop. Your toddler learns by copying what others do – especially you or older children. All our role play resources are open-ended to allow freedom of expression and creativity
Cosy spaces

Cosy quiet spaces give children a chance to think and talk together. A secret den gives children privacy, it is a child's own hideaway place. It is a place to rest, play, read and observe.
Acorn garden

Outdoor play can have many benefits for babies:
Outdoor play can help babies develop fine motor skills, coordination, and eye-hand coordination.
Brain development: Outdoor play can help babies develop their brains by stimulating them with new sights, smells, textures, and sounds.
Vitamin D: Outdoor play can help babies produce vitamin D, which is important for bone and muscle growth, immune system development, and mood stabilization.
Seeping patterns: Outdoor play can help babies regulate their sleeping patterns.
Children will access messy play and water play in the garden, we recommend parents provide waterproof suits and wet shoes for children.